D’Souza Lab Spreads the Word on CanOSS
May and June were exciting months for the CanOSS Team! Dr. Rohan D’Souza attended several events across Canada – including those in Vancouver, Calgary, Montebello, Quebec and Ottawa, as well as the Annual Scientific meeting of the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Baltimore – where he shared his work on the CanOSS project and highlighted the important role it can play in reducing severe maternal mortality and morbidity across the country.
University of British Columbia (May 3)
Dr. D’Souza presented the keynote plenary talk at UBC’s OBGYN Research Day.
University of Calgary (May 12)
Dr. D’Souza presented the keynote plenary talk at the University of Calgary’s Annual Clara Christie Research Day.
ACOG Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting (May 21)
The D’Souza Lab presented five talks at the ACOG ACSC in Baltimore MD, USA.
Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting (May 26)
Dr. D’Souza presented the keynote plenary talk on the final day of the CNPRM 2023 in Montebello, Quebec.
Canadian Perinatal Programs Coalition Meeting (June 5)
Dr. D’Souza shared CanOSS ongoing research at the CPPC Meeting in Ottawa.
The Inaugural Summit on Maternal Mortality in Canada (June 6)
Co-lead for CanOSS, Dr. Isabelle Malhame, presented the Kitty Carr keynote at the Summit, hosted by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC).
Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society Annual Meeting (June 12)
Dr. D’Souza presented a talk at the CAS Annual Meeting in Quebec City.